News & Insights


Medical Cannabis in Maryland - What Health Care Providers Need to Know

By: Lauren Ellison Poster, Gregory M. Garrett, and Franklin M. Lee
June 19, 2019
The Maryland General Assembly recently wrapped up its legislative session having made a number of changes impacting Maryland’s medical marijuana industry.  Although we recently published the article, Medical Marijuana Laws in the Mid-Atlantic – What Health Care Providers Need to Know, provi... Read more >

Medical Marijuana Laws in the Mid-Atlantic -- What Health Care Providers Need to Know

By: Lauren Ellison Poster, Gregory M. Garrett, and Franklin M. Lee
February 26, 2019
Over the past few years, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia have made significant changes to their laws governing medical marijuana.  As this fledgling new industry emerges, prospective growers, dispensaries, and processors of medical cannabis must navigate a constantly evolving thicket o... Read more >

Tax Changes Affecting Family Law

By: Kerianne P. Kemmerzell and Ferrier R. Stillman
December 11, 2018
The Tax Law enacted in 2017 has tax implications in 2018 and 2019. Alimony.   Marital settlement agreements and court orders which are signed after December 31, 2018, are no longer allowed legally to make alimony payments tax deductible to the payor and taxable income to the payee.  ... Read more >

Physician Practice Roll-Ups

By: Barry Weiskopf
July 18, 2018
Ever evolving, the practice of medicine is generally thought to be carried out through practitioners, their practices, and hospitals.  Venture capitalists are a relatively recent addition who have influenced the field by increasing the number of physician practice “roll-ups.”  An amorp... Read more >

Sexual Harassment Disclosure - Employee Rights and Employer Obligations

By: Melissa Calhoon Jones
July 9, 2018
A new Maryland law taking effect October 1, 2018, invalidates employment contracts, policies, or agreements that would waive an employee’s rights or remedies in connection with future claims of sexual harassment or retaliation for raising such claims. The “Disclosure of Sexual Harassment in t... Read more >

Appeals Court Authorizes Injunctive Relief Against Nursing Facilities

By: Ferrier R. Stillman
May 31, 2018
In State of Maryland v. Neiswanger Management Services, LLC, et al., the Court of Appeals of Maryland was recently asked to decide whether the Attorney General has authority to seek injunctive relief against a nursing facility pursuant to two different provisions of the Patient’s Bill of Rights, a... Read more >

2018 Maryland General Assembly - Health Law Update

By: Gregory M. Garrett and Ferrier R. Stillman
May 11, 2018
2018 MARYLAND GENERAL ASSEMBLY HEALTH LAW UPDATE The 438th Session of the Maryland General Assembly concluded April 9, 2018.  Of the approximate 3,127 bills and resolutions considered by the General Assembly, 889 bills and 3 resolutions passed both chambers.  Among them and highlig... Read more >